
Ember: Chapter 1

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

"FOLLOW ME child, and stay quiet . . . I think we've had enough surprises for one day."

Although the man spoke sternly to me, I could hear the weakness in his voice.

A small smile crossed my face. I had only just met Cornelius and I already felt close to him. My mother used to say that life-threatening situations bonded people quickly and if you ask me, today qualified.

But I can't think about today right now, I need to wait till I'm alone.

I followed Cornelius briskly down a long hall. So long in fact that, thinking back to when I was outside, I would not have believed it could fit in this building. Yesterday this thought might have held my attention, but in comparison with the rest of the house was utterly unremarkable, therefore quickly forgotten.

After passing a seemingly countless number of doors Cornelius pointed to one on my right. I turned the handle and entered a rather spacious, yet cozy, room. From floor to ceiling on most of the walls were row upon row of books. Old books. Brightly colored books. Some that seemed to even glow faintly.

"This is my personal study," he said. "Most know better that to bother me here so you should go unnoticed."

I nodded slightly. Since I was a young girl I had been obsessed with books and always dreamed of having a small library of my own. Now it seemed I would be staying in one, at least for a while.

As I ran my finger along the edge of one of the dusty tomes, an orange glow in the corner of the room caught my eye. It wasn't a flame so much as a small fire, but burning on, well, on nothing, on . . . air.

When I went to question Cornelius I found I couldn't speak, in fact I couldn't even remove my eyes from the flickering light. I stood there, enthralled by its elegant and unpredictable movements. The flame glowed brighter and I moved closer. It was crackling louder now. I could almost touch it.

"Jaden! That will be quite enough."

In an instant the fire returned to its original state and I almost toppled onto the floor.

Regaining my senses, I looked around the room to see a boy leaning against the wall in the corner. The amused smirk on his face told me he was at least in some way responsible for the hypnotic flames. For a moment his gaze had the same effect, but unlike before I quickly regained composure, slightly irritated that I was allowing myself to be toyed with so easily.

Cornelius broke the silence.

"How many times have I told you to stay out of here?"

Jaden ignored him. "So this is the girl Ikovos has been spouting about? And here I thought he was letting his imagination get the better of him again."

I thought back to Ikovos fondly. He had been very friendly towards me . . . quite the opposite of this boy.

"Are you even listening to me, Jaden? You know how uneasy it makes me when you use your powers in here. Do you know what could happen if you lit one of these books?"

He moved his eyes off me to Cornelius. I couldn't help but let out a breath.

"Oh Corni, you know I would never let anything like that happen to your study. I love this place."

"Well, love it or not, you are to stay out of here until I can find a proper space for the girl."

He stood up straight. "Yeah, yeah. I figured you were gonna say that. I gotta go anyways. Master Thoran has me and Vos scouting early tomorrow. I think I have you two to thank for that." He let his eyes rest on me again.

"Heh, still on that wild goose chase is he? Pfft. Mad man." Cornelius's head shook with a sigh. "Before you go could you dampen the fire?"

With glance from the boy the flame dimmed to a deep maroon. He then gave me a patronizing bow and headed for the door.

"Wait," called Cornelius. "I must speak with you a moment."

Jaden nodded and they both moved towards the edge of the room, conveniently out of my earshot.

They spoke in hushed tones. After a while Jaden glanced up at me, back down, then nodded once to Cornelius before slipping out into the dark hallway.

One look at my face must have told Cornelius what I was thinking.

"He's really sweeter than he seems."

"I get that a lot," I muttered under my breath.

"What?" he allowed.


"Alright then. Let's get you to bed. You've had a long day."

On this point, at least, I agreed, and after Cornelius laid a blanket and pillow out on the doughy couch I sunk down into it.

As he headed for the door I called after him. "Cornelius . . . ?" He looked back at me. "Thank you for . . . for giving me a chance."

He smiled. "You're welcome, my dear. Now get some rest."

And with that I was left alone in the small library.

God, what a day. Now that I have a while alone I should reprocess all that has happened.

~ ~ ~

Well, today started like any other day. I woke up only to wish that I could fall asleep again, maybe fall asleep forever. It wasn't that my life was bad, in fact there wasn't even anything I could consistently complain about. I just didn't belong in my world, and it didn't belong to me.

I mostly tried to pass the time, dreaming of an adventure I knew I'd never have. Sometimes I hated myself for it, not really understanding why everyone else was so content with life, while I was left wanting by it.

Still, every day I pushed myself forward trying to make the best of things.

I would be lying if I said this didn't cause me to acquire an . . . unusual personality. I had a family. When I saw them they called me by Evelyn Avest, my unfortunate name. I had always preferred Eve and, when given the chance, would pass it off as my full title.

My family was usually wrapped up in the happenings of the small town we lived in. Tiver. I on the other hand counted the moments until I could sneak away into quiet solitude. Inevitably this separated me from my family and as I grew older it was not uncommon for me to go whole days without seeing them.

"I wonder if they even know I'm gone," I whispered, snapped back into the present. The flame still burned strong, but had become such a dark shade of red that it barely lit the room. "Wait a minute," I considered, as I recalled a previous thought. "I guess today did start a little different than most."

This morning I awoke outside, at the top of a hill where I spent most of my time. A giant, almost mountainous, rock that slanted up sharply to a flat plateau at its peak. A wonder in itself, but that is not what I loved about. It was the view that you see from the top of the ridge that made it irresistible for me to return. Below was the most brilliantly blue lake you could ever imagine. It reflected the sky above in a way that made you forget what was up and what was down. The cliff hung over it thirty feet above the water, and beyond the lake laid a misty forest called Sharadeen.

This morning it was especially murky which only contrasted the lake further, making it shine as bright as ever. It might have been painful even to look at if not for the morning mist that still lingered across the water, peacefully following the winds chosen direction.

"Well," I said to myself as I let out a big yawn. "I might as well test the water." And with a bit of a sprint I propelled myself off the cliff into the cool lake.

"Okay, test complete, much to cold." I squealed, then swam quickly back to the shore before ringing out my hair and glancing down at myself disapprovingly.

I realized now it wasn't such a good idea to jump in the water, considering what I was wearing.

My pants consisted mainly of two scraps of leather on each leg with string going down either side holding the pieces together. I had a plain blue shirt on that had suctioned itself to my skin and gone somewhat see-through, sleeves hanging well past my hands as usual.

I sighed.

You see I was always the person that girls pointed at giggling, asking their friends how I could possibly stand to look like that in public. It wasn't that I didn't care, it just seemed no matter what I did I never looked pulled together anyways. Every once in a while my sister would dress me up in her clothes and do my hair. I had to admit at these times I got my fair share of the good kind of attention. But for the most part I was the walking fashion faux pas of Tiver.

Spending the morning asleep in the sun hadn't darkened my unalterably pale skin a bit. I attempted to run a hand through my un-tamable hair, no such luck. I spun to look at it in the waters reflection. It was that exactly awkward color that couldn't be called brown, but didn't qualify as blonde either. I called it caramel to make myself feel better. As wavy, curly, and frizzy as ever, I quickly arranged it into a loose braid, tucking the leftover strands behind my ears.

"You come here often?" came a voice behind me.

I jumped.

"I'm sorry," chimed the voice again as I turned towards it. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

It was a man, a very tall and, honestly quite handsome man.

"No, that's alright. Yes. I do come here often." I said it confidently. Something about the way he was looking at me made me uneasy. Something in his eyes.

"Well now, why haven't I noticed a young beauty such as you running around my lake?" he asked with a witty smile.

"Your lake?"

"Why yes, I am a wizard," he boasted. "Shaper and controller of all things liquid." He proceeded to juggle small balls of water playfully from hand to hand.

I looked on trying as best as I could to hide my fascination. "I've heard rumors of people like you, but I never believed they might be true."

Still fumbling the water between his hands he spoke in a big voice: "Well then you shall come to see my home so that you will be the one with the stories."

Not a good idea, said a little voice inside me. But there was something about him . . . like he was some dark mystery that I had to follow if I wanted to get anywhere, ever.

"How far away is it?" I asked. Why was I going along with this? I wanted to say no and run away.

"Just a short trek away from here that-a-way." He pointed with his hand and the destination made my stomach squirm.

"The forest?" I exclaimed.

"Why yes," he responded charismatically. "It's really a beautiful place once you get inside. You just have to come."

Again the longing to say no was overpowered inexplicably . . . though maybe not as much as I credited. Finally something new and unexpected had happened to me. I knew I would never forgive myself if I backed down now.

"Alright," I said, subconsciously ignoring the fact that I was agreeing to follow a complete stranger into a dark forest.

He let out a wide grin. "I knew you would warm up to me. This way."

I followed in step, wondering even as I worried about my fate what other great powers this man possessed.

~ ~ ~

It took less time than I thought it would to reach the forest. Now, when it comes to practical things, I'm not easily frightened, but there was something about this place. Something eerie, yet beautiful.


I could hear all types of creatures scampering around us. The branches and vines were so thick that the sun was barely shining through the canopy, dropping rays of light here and there. Soon they disappeared altogether.

As we journeyed deeper, following a worn path, I found that my escort was starting to change. First his eyes turned from the vibrant blue they once were to a cold, steely, silver. Then his skin started to darken, and his hair grew long and stringy.

Part of me wanted to go desperately, but the further we went into the forest the more I was enthralled with the man. There was no doubt in my mind now that he truly was a wizard.

"Well, my dear, it seems we have reached our destination." His voice had changed as well, before charming and light, now cruel and slippery. Nonetheless I looked around for a building or entryway.

"I don't see anything."

"Well, you must not be looking hard enough, hmm?" He knocked on a wall of stone beside him and it began to rumble, cracking down the middle and spreading until it had formed an entrance large enough to walk through.

We did.

As I followed the creature through the darkness, I began to regret my decision to follow him. I prayed under my breath that I was strong enough for whatever was coming.

"What are you doing?" screeched what was left of the once charming man. I could tell he had begun to hunch over considerably, but could see little else in the darkness.

"Nothing." I said innocently. He had a pained look on his face.
Suddenly I realized I had the freedom to run. No longer did I feel tied to the creature. No longer did I find him irresistible. This seemed to dawn on him only moments later, but it was too late.

I ran, ran as fast as I could. I didn't know if I was going back towards the forest or deeper into the cavern, but that didn't stop me. I just kept going. I could hear the horrible creature off behind me. He was getting closer.

"A light!" I almost screamed the word through gasps of air.

I ran towards it, but as I got close I realized there was something wrong. For rather than any shade the sun might produce, the light shone an unnaturally bright red. When I turned the corner I realized why: there was nothing natural about the source. It almost looked like lightning had struck the air and, rather than vanish, had remained frozen in its position, growing wider along the seams until forming an elliptical shape. I stopped in front of it.

"You don't want to do that."

I swung around. What I saw made me bring a hand up to my mouth with a gasp.

Silver eyes and common sense told me that it was the same man I had followed through the forest, but that was the only thing recognizable. He now looked almost bat-like. With metallic, purple, skin, and long-pointed ears. He was taller as well and although his appearance was frightening, there was something beautiful about him still.

"I said, you do not want to do that." He repeated it slowly, sounding out each syllable.

"Do what?" I asked, shivering.

"Get any closer to that portal than you already are," he hissed. "Now come back towards me." He gestured, his voice becoming harsher with every word.

I had not considered this . . . portal could do anything, and although I had no clue as to what, something told me that I should do the exact opposite of whatever the man was telling me.

I took a step back.

"Do not move one more inch!" He screeched, and leapt forward in my direction.

This is your last chance, Evelyn.

With that I spun in place and jumped into the red sphere.

~ ~ ~

"Remind me again why you needed me to come with you?" asked a stout man as he walked alongside his rather tall companion.

They were moving through a rock archway. Ice below them and a deep purple sky above. It was cold enough so their breaths could be easily seen.

"Because I need to see if Demian was bluffing about these new pack-beasts and it would be suicide to come here without a defense artisan."

"I understand that, but why didn't you just bring Ikovos like you normally do?"

"Because, Ikovos is not old enough yet to come out this far. Besides he is not my partner, you are," growled the silver-haired man.

"Yes, well . . . you know how much I hate being here. The smell alone is enough to make me faint."

The taller man laughed at this and responded: "A Meoden fighter that doesn't like being in a Meoden dimension?"

The other replied unfazed. "Well isn't that the point of the whole thing?"

The tall man considered this, only to begin laughing again. "Cornelius, you have once again shredded my logic with your quizzically inarguable point of view. Where would I be without you?"

"Evidently not on a wild goose chase in the God-forsaken place," grunted the other. "And I mean that literally."

"Of course you do."

Before Cornelius could protest, a muffled moan sounded to their right.

"A keeper," said the tall man. "I could recognize the sound anywhere."

"But why would he risk coming out into the open? He must have known we were near. . . ."

There was a pause.

"I don't know. Why don't we go ask him."

And with that, both men crept towards the direction of the moans.

~ ~ ~


I could hear the man screaming as I jumped into the rift.

Then it was gone. So was the cave. And the red glow I had run through. With a jolt I was slammed down onto the ground: head thumping, heart racing, breaths coming in quick intervals, and my mind unsuccessfully attempting to wrap itself around what had just happened. I soon realized that there was no point to this and opened my eyes, determined to make the best of my situation, whatever that was.

"What is that smell? I groaned, preparing to rise to my feet. It's like something between lamp oil and my brother-in-law's feet.

After a few shaky attempts I managed to stand up, only to slip and fall back again.

"Nice one, Evelyn."

When I planted my hands onto the ground, preparing to rise again, I felt an uncomfortable feeling on my fingertips.

"It's cold," I whispered.

It was then that I realized the cause of my fall.

Ice . . . lots of ice. My eyes studied the landscape as I rose to my feet.

A dry mist elevated off the ground, concealing much of the frozen surface. Here and there sharp rocks jabbed out above the fog. On either sides of me were two jagged walls of stone with about a three-hundred foot gap between them, forming a canyon. They narrowed at the top into sharp spikes that disappeared into the starless sky. Throughout the walls there were large crevices and holes that looked like they led to a maze of tunnels and caverns. As far as I could tell the rock was obsidian, the dark charcoal reflecting the purple sky.

"Where am I?" I muttered, realizing afterwards that I had just made the number one cliché statement for this type of situation.

"I must be outside in some mountains or something."

Somehow talking to myself made me feel better.

Carefully considering my options, I decided that taking a look around was the best idea. I walked towards the large wall on my right and touched its surface.

"Ack!" I yelped, voice echoing through the canyon. Evidently the rock was sharper than it looked. It had given me a small cut in my finger. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Well, that was smar—"

Footsteps. There were footsteps coming from one of the caves in the wall.

I quickly surmised that whatever lived in a place like this was trouble. Besides I had always been pessimistic when it came to people and that wasn't about to change now. I searched for a place to hide.

Unable to find a spot in time, I was forced to duck behind a rock just as they turned the corner. Their skin was the same metallic purple as the man that had led me through Sharadeen. In a way they resembled him, only they lacked his inherit beauty. They were also much shorter, less featured, and notably thinner.

Although I felt the need to get far away from them, I kept still, watching silently, knowing that any movement might draw attention.

They seemed to be conversing, but as they got closer I realized I didn't recognize the words. It sounded like an Elvin language from a book I'd read once, only darker and distorted.

My heart was pounding now, they weren't more than twenty feet away from me. Fortunately they seemed to be moving towards the other wall of the canyon.

I lowered my head and turned my back against the rock. Curiosity grabbed at me, but I didn't want to risk being discovered.

Soon the voices faded away. I sat there frozen in place. My breathing was heavy and I was unsure about what to do next.

"At least those monsters are go—" Before I could finish my sentence I heard two heavy wheezes coming from behind me. Instinctively I stood up and swung toward the noise.

Maybe part of me hoped that I was only imagining it, but I soon realized that it was unwise to check. It was all I could do to watch as they gaped; perusing through yellow eyes. One gestured towards me as he spoke again in the dark language. The other's response came in a disheartening moan.

I just stood, frozen.

As they wrapped around the rock, one reached out to touch me. My body forced backwards in disgust. He seemed not to care. Wearing a sickly smile he moved closer to me. His breath was hot and sticky. I turned away, sinking down in desperation as he rested his fingers against my cheek.

At that very moment a frightened yelp came from behind him. The closer one looked back just in time to see his friend's head flung from its body by a fiery green sword.

A tall man now stood where the monster had been. With the weapon in hand he turned to the purple figure. "You should have known better keeper." He raised his sword as he spoke. "Now you'll pay."

In vain the creature tried to put up a defense, but with a final screech and a blade through the gut it dropped lifelessly to the ice.

I stared on wide-eyed as my mind swirled with what had just happened. Cold sweat was sliding down my face and my entire body was shivering. I looked up at the man and he stared down at me, this time holding his gaze. He was rugged, with dark leather-made clothes and peppered hair. Something about his eyes made me want to break down and cry. There was safety there, like he was assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

Suddenly his gaze shifted above me. "You can come over here now Cornelius."

"Oh really?" came a sarcastic reply. "Are you sure it's safe for an incompetent defense artisan like myself?" I could hear the voice getting closer. "You come out here waving your big sword like you own the dimension, I swear you all think we can't do anything just because we don't—" He cut off as he walked around the rock I was leaning against. He was much shorter than the other man, wearing a simple cloth robe that stretched to the ground. His features were soft, tender, I don't think he'd seen me yet.

"What?" he questioned the other man, shrugging.

"I think I know why the keepers took such a risk." The rugged man moved his eyes to me.

The short man followed them.

He seemed to practically faint at the site of me. "Oh my," he exclaimed, the humor now gone from his tone. "What . . . but . . . how could she have gotten all the way out here?"

The tall man inhaled deeply as he sheathed the green sword. "This is Sylvanus' doing if ever I saw it." He swore an oath under his breath. "He won't get away with this. Not this time."

The plump man suddenly adopted a drastically horrified expression. "Thoran! You know better than to use that language in front of a young lady. And frankly, I don't want to hear it either."

As he rattled on, the other man, Thoran I guess, seemed to be deep in thought. "Where are you from, girl?" he asked me shortly.

I shivered under his hard stare, words eluding me.

"Kirne?" he pressed. "Rizenn? Tiver?"

My head bobbed to the last.

He took a breath, then turned to the other man. "We need to get her back as soon as possible. I'll walk with you till the gate, and you can take her on from there."

What?! That was it. I had kept my mouth shut to long as these men conversed about me and my fate. The last thing I wanted to do after all that had happened was go back home. My mind was racing with a million questions, and I had a feeling that these two men could answer them.

"Wait," I finally said, drawing expectant glances towards me. "I . . . I can't go back now. So much has happened that I don't understand, I mean, I don't even know what those things were. And I really don't think I'd be much good for a long journey." I knew what I was saying was out of line and didn't make much sense, but I pushed the issue anyways. "If there was just somewhere close I could stay . . . please? I promise I won't be any trouble."

I looked on pleadingly. The one called Thoran adopted a stone cold expression, but the stout one, Cornelius, his face softened. I knew I had found myself an ally.

He drummed his fingers together for a few moments before speaking.

"Thoran, I think she's right. We can't just send her off after what she has seen, it wouldn't be fair . . . And no doubt she is frightened after her encounter with the keepers, not to mention Sylvanus," he added quickly.

Thoran glowered at the man. "First of all, we don't even know if she came here with Sylvanus. And before I even question why her being scared should deter us from taking her home answer me this—" He paused for a brief moment. "Where else do you expect us to take her?"

Cornelius guffed. "Well to the lodge of course."

Thoran nodded. "Ah, I see, the lodge full of what?" He obviously knew something Cornelius hadn't realized.

"Rooms?" he guessed, shrugging his shoulders.

"What else?" asked Thoran.

Cornelius scratched his head. "Well . . . there's the boys and . . . oh, the boys."

"Ah-ha." Thoran nodded. "And she is a . . ."

"Girl." finished Cornelius flatly.

Now thoroughly confused, I decided I would have to make myself speak my mind if I didn't want to go home.

"Look," I stated. "I really don't mind staying in the same building as a few boys if that's what you think. I live with my brother in law." I finished with a smile, thinking that that should explain everything.

Cornelius's face melted again and he turned to Thoran.

After a few brief moments of silent conversation, Thoran's face turned stern.

"Fine, Cornelius. But let it be on your head. And for the love of God do not let her near Ikovos. And this is only for tonight."

Cornelius nodded repeatedly and my heart filled with anticipation. I had no idea why, but I knew that there was something important about these men. Something I wanted to be a part of.

"Well my dear," said the kind man. "I am Cornelius, as I'm sure you've already gathered, and that is Thoran." He gestured towards the other man, but Thoran had already started walking towards the dark wall.

". . . He's really much sweeter than he seems."

I hid my skepticism out of respect, but maybe Cornelius was right.

"We had better get moving," declared Thoran. "I'm going to have to go out early to scout tomorrow."

Cornelius helped me up and we started towards the wall.

As Thoran led us through a series of dark tunnels, Cornelius asked me questions about the events that led to our meeting. Thoran seemed hardly interested, although every once in a while he would grunt or shake his head.

"And that's when Thoran came in with his sword." I finished uncomfortably.

"Hmm, I see," Cornelius murmured. "Well it seems it was indeed Sylvanus, Thoran, up to his usual tricks."

Normally I was very quiet and reserved, especially around people I barely knew. But for some reason Cornelius made me feel comfortable. I made up my mind to ask him about one of the things I had been wondering about.

"Cornelius, when I first met . . . Sylvanus, he said he had control over water, or liquid rather, and then he juggled some around between his hands. I've heard stories of wizards such as this before. I was always very intrigued by it." My voice gradually became more enthusiastic. "I guess what I was wondering. . . . It's real then, magic?"

I saw Thoran look back at Cornelius with a stern glare.

"Well, you see—" Cornelius started, but was quickly interrupted by a voice above us.

"Identify yourselves."

I realized we were now at the edge of a very small opening. After the maze of tunnels we had traveled through, I was positive that there was no way I could find my way back outside.

Thoran replied to the voice soundly. "Master Thoran, order first-rank. And Master Cornelius, second-rank."

"Proceed," came the response.

It was now that I first realized just how important these men might be. But before my mind could consider what exactly I had gotten myself into, I saw a familiar light reflecting off the cavern walls. It was the same glow that I had seen earlier that day, in a different cave. The memories of my previous encounter made me shutter.

Sure enough, as we rounded the tight corner an orb-like portal hovered above the ground. It was at the back of a large cavern, the same black-metallic softly glowing orange from the light.

"No doubt this isn't the first one of these you've seen today," said Thoran as he stared at the rift. Before I could respond he turned to me and started again. "This is a Meoden portal. It leads between the Meoden dimension, where we are now, and the other dimensions, in this case ours. Which is yours as well."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he interrupted.

"There is no point in trying to figure out how it works, just know that it does. Naturally if you jumped into one of these you could end up anywhere in the conjoining dimension, but we have altered ours to arrive at a specific point.

"So all you need to do is walk through. Understand?"

Oh yeah, sure, that makes complete sense, I thought to myself . . . but I did have the basic idea, and I could tell Thoran wasn't really asking.

"Yes sir." I said, so officially that any fool could tell I was intimidated.

"Good," he replied. "Cornelius you go first, followed by . . . hmm. Did you tell us your name?"

I bit my lip. "No . . . you never asked."

"Well I'd say in this case shy is an understatement," he grumbled. "Are you ready to tell us now?"

My eyes narrowed at him, squinting slightly. "Eve, Eve Avest."

"Well, that's a beautiful name, such a curious last name to. You know I know someone that has a hobby of studying the origin of names, I'm sure he'd love to look that one up. His name is—"

Thoran stopped him with a side-ways glance. Evidently this man didn't want me to know about anything beyond what was necessary.

"Anyways. Eve, you'll go after Cornelius so he can meet you on the other side. Cornelius, I want to check on Boron, so I'll meet you back at the lodge in an hour or so."

He turned towards me. "If everything goes as planned I probably won't see you again, so—" he held out a hand "—it was a pleasure meeting you."

I shook it firmly, inexplicably disappointed by the thought of never seeing him again.

And then, as quickly as he had appeared, he vanished through one of the tunnel passages.

~ ~ ~

It wasn't long before I found myself with Cornelius on the other side of the portal. We came in amidst a clutter of trees: tall, rich green, much less foreboding than the last forest I had been in. The sky above was a deep blue, nearing dusk.

Has it been that long?

"Better than the last time I hope?" asked Cornelius.

Not much. I opted for courtesy. "Yes it was, thank you."

"Good," he said. "Now if I can figure out which portal we came in at, we can start heading for the—"

"Master Cornelius is that you?" came a shout from one of the trees above us, it was a boys' voice.

Cornelius started to look up then froze. "Oh no. Not good, what is he doing here?" He mumbled nervously as he started to pace. "Thoran is going to kill me, this is the first thing he told me not to let happen." He turned his face upwards again and yelled. "Ah, no. It's not Cornelius just some, umm, other person. No need to come down Ikovos, I mean, person I don't know."

Cornelius looked at me and gave a do-you-think-that-will-work shrug.

I sure didn't know what was happening, so I shrugged as well. Obviously Cornelius and I shared an inability to stay calm under pre¬ssure.

"Master I can tell by your voice," said the boy again. "Besides I can see you, hey, who is that with you? I'm coming down okay."

"Oh God, we're dead," said Cornelius as he paced.

"We're dead?!" I started to pace myself.

"Yes, dead! What are we going to do?"

"What can we do?"

"He's going to kill us."

"He is?"

"You've got to calm down."

"You calm down, I don't even know what's happening."

"I've got it!"




"There!" He pointed to a bush next to a tree and pushed me down behind it.

Seconds later I heard footsteps running towards Cornelius. I situated myself so I could see through the leaves. Cornelius moved himself in front of me, one hand leaning against the tree.

The boy came into view and I looked him over. He was average build if not a little thin. The mat of short blond hair on his head looked like it hadn't seen a comb in a while, his ears were a bit oversized, nothing spectacular, that is until he smiled. I was never one of those "omigod he has the most gorgeous smile" girls, but . . . this was something.

Cornelius had just called him Ikovos, but recognized the name like I'd heard it before.

Hmm . . . Oh, right, this was the person that Thoran had told Cornelius not to let me meet.

Well, that explains the pushing. I grunted. Cornelius covered the noise with a cough.

"Oh, hello Ikovos," said Cornelius in a squeaky voice. "What are you doing out here this late?"

"I took over gate-watching for Luther," he said. "But hey, why were you saying you were someone else?"

"Well, I um . . . ."

"A joke," I whispered from the bush. "Tell him it was a joke."

"Oh right, I was just playing a joke of course," said Cornelius. He forced an uncomfortable laugh.

"A joke?" Ikovos said flatly. "Right . . . well, who was that with you? Where'd they go?"

"Oh that . . . that was a bird."


"Tell him it was magic," I interjected.

"I mean it was magic," said Cornelius.

Ikovos raised an eyebrow. "Since when can you make a fake person with magic?"

Cornelius backed towards me and whispered. "Why did you say magic? That doesn't even make sense."

"Well, how was I supposed to know? I've never learned a thing about magic. Why did you listen to me if it didn't fit?"

"Because . . . because you tricked me!" he said.

"What?" I asked exasperatedly, jumping aggressively to my feet.

Ikovos, who had been watching as Cornelius argued, now stared at me wide-eyed, jaw to the floor.

When I saw him I screamed and ducked back behind the bush.

Cornelius fainted.

After a few seconds I poked my head out above the leaves. The boy forced a confused smile and waved. I dropped down again.

Come on Eve, pull it together. You are a confident and outgoing individual. You are a confident and outgoing individual. I repeated this a few times in my mind then took a deep breath. Before standing up to face the boy.

"Hi." I smiled. "My name's Eve." Well, that was original.

"Right, I'm Ikovos . . . sorry for scaring you," he said as he scratched the back of his head thoughtlessly. "Ah, do you know Cornelius?"

"No, well, sort of I guess."

"Cause you guys seemed to have something going."

"Heh, it's been a long day. I got a little too excited. Sorry."

"No, no it's okay. I just thought that you must have known each other pretty well. But I guess not."

"Yeah . . . no."

Silence followed, crickets chirped, I figured tumbleweed wouldn't show in the forest but kept an eye out anyways.

"Hmm, okay, I'm gonna try to wake him up now, cause I'm not doing a very good job talking," said Ikovos, nodding at me repeatedly.

"Right, that makes sense," I said, before realizing that I had just agreed he wasn't talking well. I did a mental head bang against the tree.

I am not outgoing and confident. I am not outgoing and confident . . . .

I watched Ikovos move to Cornelius's side. He poked him in the chest a few times, then tried shaking him. I knelt cautiously beside the motionless body across from the boy.

"Ah, Master Cornelius?" tried Ikovos. Still nothing. ". . . Corni?

Cornelius grimaced, and with eyes still closed he responded. "Please don't call me that, Ikovos."

"Ah-ha, you're awake. I thought that might work," said Ikovos, sounding very pleased with himself.

Cornelius still lay there motionless. "I had the weirdest dream Ikovos, you would have liked it. Thoran and I were out scouting in the other dimension, looking for some new creature Demian mentioned, when we ran into a couple keepers. And you wouldn't believe what they were after."

"I could take a guess," drawled the boy.

Cornelius continued. "It was a girl, a girl of all things. Isn't that odd."

Ikovos looked up at me and smiled apologetically. I raised an eyebrow.

Why was my sex such a big issue with these guys, did they have something against women? I've never considered myself a feminist but that sure as heck doesn't mean I'm tolerant of Chauvinists.

"Ah, Master, I think you should open your eyes now," said Ikovos.

"Of course you're right, my boy." He lifted his lids, squinting at Ikovos. "Hey, where are we anyway—AH!" As soon as he saw me he jumped onto his feet.

After a few uncomfortable seconds realization seemed to dawn on him.

"Hi." I waved, adding a smile for his sake, but inwardly feeling very out of place. You know inside jokes? It was starting to feel like I was one that everybody but me knew about. I looked at Cornelius face again . . . apparently it wasn't a very funny joke.

"Oh, my dear, I am so sorry. Please ignore everything I said, just an old man's ramblings, and a half asleep one at that." He paused. "How, um . . . how was it that I ended up on the ground, though?"

"Well," began Ikovos. "First you came through the portal and started telling me that you weren't you. Then I came down to try and figure out what was going on. That's when you started talking to the bush . . . which ended up being a girl . . . . You then began arguing with said bush-girl, who proceeded to jump out from behind the bush. At that point I pretty much went into shock, she screamed, you fainted, it was all very confusing."

"Yes, I can see that."


"But what I don't understand is," Ikovos took a breath. "Why you were trying to hide her from me?"

Cornelius threw his arms into the air. "Don't ask me to explain the logic of my lunatic of a partner. I'm just following orders."

"Oh, so it was Master Thoran," said Ikovos grudgingly. "I should have known, and I'll bet he didn't say anything about Jaden right?"

"If he didn't it would be for good reason, Jaden doesn't have half the fanciful ideas you do on the subject. Nor is he as prone to unbridled, unrelenting, curiosity."

"Oh, that's just what he wants you to think. I should know he's my best friend." His face turned sour and he pointed a finger at Cornelius. "And you know what else? This is unfair and prejudicious treatment, I am personally offended."

Cornelius rolled his eyes. "Oh, Ikovos, it doesn't matter anyways, Thoran didn't want anyone seeing her. She is just spending the night and in the morning I'm taking her back home."

Home. At this point the word gave me mixed feelings. On one side I longed for the comfort and safety of the familiar. At the same time it was the last thing I wanted. And besides that: watching Cornelius and Ikovos talk had been the most entertaining experience I'd had in weeks.

Cornelius interrupted my thoughts. "Now if your finished," he gave Ikovos an evil stare then turned to me. "Again, I am most sorry for the insensitive conversation. Between you and me this one doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."

"Hey, I resent that," said Ikovos.

"Are you ready to continue our journey?" He paused. "No doubt you have even more questions now, but I would ask you to postpone them a while longer."

I nodded. "I'm ready. I know you will answer my questions when you can." I would have like them now, but I thought that a show of trust might compel him to honesty later on.

"Good," he said smiling. My plan had definitely worked. "Let's get going then."

"Hey, wait a minute," Ikovos interrupted. "Don't you think we should be properly introduced?"

Cornelius eyed him.

"Okay, okay, forget I asked."

~ ~ ~

Ten minutes later we'd covered a good bit of ground through the forest. Actually it wasn't much of a forest, at least not the kind I was used to. Just a few trees scattered here and there in clumps, velvety green grass covered hills in every direction. I half expected to hear some creaks or rivers nearby, instead the only noise were the chirping crickets from before. Well, that and Ikovos, who had started whistling a while ago. Not long before that it had gotten dark. Stars were now glittering in the night sky, no clouds in sight, no sign of the moon, just stars.

I cocked my head up and exhaled, watching warm air escape my lips and dissipate into the night sky.

"How do you walk looking up like that?"

I had been so lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Ikovos walk up beside me.

I blinked at him. "Are you always so direct?"

"I don't know," he said. "I guess I'm just curious."

"Fair enough," I replied. "I'm not sure how. I've never been very good at paying attention to what I'm doing, so I guess my feet just had to learn to walk on their own."

"Hunh . . . weird."

"Yeah, I know." I chewed my lip and looked around noncommittally.

"Soooo . . . I never got your full name."

I glanced ahead at Cornelius and lowered my voice. "It didn't seem like Cornelius wanted me giving it."

Ikovos waved him off. "Oh, he doesn't really mind. He gets like that after being in the Meoden dimension to long. Plus he's worried about Master Thoran."

That made sense enough to me. "Okay, I'll tell, but first . . . ."

"Uh-oh, here it comes."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not that bad, I just want to know what the big deal is with women around here."

This caught Ikovos by surprise, I could tell because he started choking on nothing.

He cleared his throat. "You said I'm direct?"

"I guarantee you my curiosity rivals yours by a long-shot." I checked ahead then, just to make sure Cornelius was still in front of us.

"Okay, it's probably not as weird as you think . . . potentially more so though." He paused seemingly collecting his thoughts. "I'm going to give you the quick version with a promise to go in depth later."


"Here goes. We — that is . . . me, Master Cornelius, Master Thoran, pretty much anyone you've heard about since you've been here — are part of an order that fights bad guys. The Meoden in particular. Apart from a few of the masters, like Cornelius and Thoran, most of us aren't over twenty. All male."

I considered it. "And?"

"And we're out in the middle of nowhere. Meaning we don't get a chance to see girls that often."

I stared at him blankly.

What the heck type of boys give up girls to live out in the woods with some guys? None of the ones I'd met.

This was getting weird. . . .

"Okay, I can tell you're sort of freaking out. Let me ask you this." For the first time his tone became serious. "If someone offered you the chance to help people, a chance to fight all the bad things that had ever happened to you, to wake up in the morning knowing you were changing things for the better: what wouldn't you give up to take it?"

Darn it. What he had just said was the reason I didn't want to go home.

I hadn't realized it till now, but they had something I'd waited my whole life to find.

A purpose.

I looked at Ikovos. He'd just made me, and worse still he knew it. There isn't going to be anything I can do to protect myself from this guy.

That thought left me two options. One: I could run away screaming as fast as possible or, two: I could live with vulnerability. . . . I glanced around for an open route then sighed.

"It's Avest, my name. Eve Avest."

He smiled from ear to ear and looked ahead. "Avest." He tested it. "Avest. Hunh, don't think I've ever heard that before."

Glad that the serious topics were closed for now I delved in. "Should you have?"

"Well, yeah. I sort of have this names slash meanings thing. Usually can't get a last name past me." He paused. "We'll just have to look it up tomorrow."

"If I'm still here," I said, letting a little more disappointment show through my voice than I would have liked.

"Hey, if I have anything to do with it, we'll figure out how to keep you around."

I smiled at him. "Sounds like you already have some ideas." Extending my hand I added. "Partners then?"

He took it. "Let's just go crazy call it friends."

I laughed. Friends is good.

~ ~ ~

And that's pretty much it.

I took a big yawn on the comfy couch of the study. I'd gone through my whole day in my mind and still, it didn't make much sense. The only difference was that now I'd lost an hour of sleep.

Ikovos and I had talked the rest of the journey. He left once the lodge was in sight. It was well hidden in a clump of trees, a few stories high and mostly wood. Looked like an average, if not oversized, cabin. Cornelius had led me through a small door, which I'd doubted was the main entrance, and a couple turns later we were in his study.

Okay, that's all the thinking I can do in one day. I prayed quietly for multiplied hours of sleep then passed out from exhaustion.
This is my first book, EMBER.

It tells the story of Evelyn Avest, a girl who's gotten tired of her boring life in the provintial town of Tiver. She finds herself very quickly caught up in another world. The world of the Order, where there are defense and offense artisans, capable of using special abilties to fight the bad guys (Meoden).

Oh, and the Order is also an all-male group, so Evelyn's initial goal is pretending she's a boy, just to be allowed to stay!

If you'd like to hear more about the three main characters (or see pics of them) go here: characters

If you'd like to read more about EMBER (including, the playlist) go here:

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this sample chapter. If you'd like to read more, it's available for purchase on
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

copyright, Tess Williams

PS. Please do let me know what you thought!

PSS. Sorry for the lack of italics. You can go to my website and download the sample there to get the fully formatted version.
© 2012 - 2024 rebelsolo83
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CandraRose's avatar
I love this story so much ^^!!!
Thankyou for putting this up here~ :heart: